Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Owls The Owls

Yes, I know this doesn't look like owls...they're coming in a bit.....this is more of The Adelaide Collection...

There has been much knitting today...and sucking of teeth...and a little bit of driving for the Learner driver...and eating of leftovers....and now a little bit of wine....

Yes, I know you can't see the owls yet but I want to assure you fervently that they are coming....I have indeed begun on the yoke and yes, one sleeve does look longer than the other...sigh...but I'm sure you won't notice once I've got it on, like....

Towns in Queensland now officially considered disaster zones are - Theodore, Dalby and Chinchilla, Alpha, Jericho and Warra with more to follow....it certainly has been raining....I got my raincoat out yesterday and discovered it was mouldy....time to buy a new raincoat.

1 comment:

Queen of the Tea Cosies said...

I don't believe there are any owls at all.

You are making it all up.

Doubting Tomasina